Pilot Study: Online Questionnaire
📅 Fri Dec 10 – Mon Dec 13 ✅
Online Questionaire
An online questionnaire will be created through Google Forms and distributed through social media sources across the researcher’s personal and institutional communities, which aims to gather responses from approximately 30 participants to begin preliminary investigation on the topic of techniques towards ambition self-regulation. It aims to gather broadly to understand how different demographics relate to the problem area.
The goal of this study is to utilize the preliminary results to narrow down the demographics into a target user profile to give clear indication for what interview candidates are being investigated. Approximately 6 candidates (2 who are successfully self-regulating, 4 who are unsuccessfully self-regulating) to further contextually investigate the topic.
Question Structure
This questionaire has two intentions:
- To investigate with simple yes/no responses and scales to understand the basic, but to also determine interesting stories/scenarios to interview in deatil
- To gather preliminary results on the following open questions:
- What are the top 5 sources of inspiration/motivation for your ambitions/personal goals?
- What do you perceive as the top major sources of distraction that take you away from progressing your ambitions?
- What are some common tips, or commonly accepted techniques you have heard of that can help one progress towards their ambitions/goals?
- What software or apps do you use to manage your productivity towards your ambitions? (text)
- What do you believe to be the challenges of your current methods?
📊 33 participants have responded to the online questionnaire.
Pilot Study Results:
Pilot Study Insights
Target User Profile & Scenario
Provisional Persona
Key Insights:
✍️ Link to survey: https://forms.gle/1ndhjppiJro4zxVa8
Preliminary Investigation Questions
Part 1: Profile/Screener
- Age Range (number), Gender (m/f/n),
- Current Residing Location (text), Cultural Home Location (text)
- Primary Occupation (options), Type of Work (options)
- Number of Dependents (number)
Part 2: Ambitions & Distractions
- How flexible do you consider your schedule (scale)
- How structured do you consider your schedule (scale)
- Do you have personal ambitions that are self-authored (not defined by external pressures) that can only be achieved through carving out personal time from your regular schedule? (y/n)
- 🗒️ What are the top 5 sources of inspiration/motivation for your ambitions/personal goals? (text)
- How much of your ambitions do you perceive to be self-authored ambitions vs. externally-authored obligations? (scale)
- How much of your time do you perceive to be spent on self-authored ambitions vs. externally-authored obligations? (scale)
- Do you struggle with managing and progressing your ambitions with everyday distractions? (y/n/somewhat)
- 🗒️ What do you perceive as the top major sources of distraction that take you away from progressing your ambitions? (text)
Part 3:
- 🗒️ What are some common tips, or commonly accepted techniques you have heard of that can help one progress towards their ambitions/goals? (text)
- Do you use a smartphone device to manage your own productivity? (y/n)
- Do you think your smartphone brings you closer to achieving your ambitions (supportive), or distract you from them? (scale)
- 🗒️ What software or apps do you use to manage your productivity towards your ambitions? (text)
- How important is it for you to progress your personal ambitions? (scale)
- How in-control do you feel with the progress of your life-goals/ambitions? (scale)
- 🗒️ What are your current techniques or strategies that you use to manage your own personal ambitions to ensure your progress? (text)
- How successful do you perceive your current methods in their ability to ensure progress towards your ambitions? (scale)
- 🗒️ What do you believe to be the challenges of your current methods? (text)
Part 4: Interview Participant Screening
- Would you be willing to participate in a future study that involves using a prototype that may track your ambitions to bring awareness to your self-determined pursuits? (y - optional)
- Name, Email, City, Smartphone, Mac/PC
- Heard of Notion / frequency of use
🗒️ = opportunity for quick text-analysis results through word cloud